Landscape photography was my first love. I was shooting landscapes for decades before I ventured into the figure genre, which I started in 1998 with the figure in the landscape. Since then I have continued to shoot both, with a distinct preference for outdoor work, deriving my inspiration from nature and the model’s interaction with the landscape. But increasingly the traditional nude in the landscape left me dissatisfied. I could not answer the questions, Why is (s)he there? What is (s)he doing there? If viewers of my images were to remark, Wow! That’s a beautiful image of a nude, I would consider it a failure. Over the years I explored the figure AS a landscape, celebrating the abstract qualities of shape and form, line and texture, found in both the inanimate and the human form. The first two images here are with Brooke.
The following images are with Kiera Grant…
Finally, in some of the following images, I think I have come all the way around, from photographing the figure in the landscape to the landscape in the figure, where the human form but a frame or tapestry for the landscape! The last few images are with Stephanie Anne.
This will be my last blog post for the year. My next post will be from another continent. Meanwhile I invite you to preview Integration, the book. Wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
One reply on “A landscape photographer at Fest X”
More creative than most. I like to put a model into a landscape, but also try to make the body into a landscape.
You seem to be taking that concept to a new level. Very nice!