I’m a bit… sorry, a LOT slow. I wish I’d had Lightroom back in 2011. Soz… Â Samantha Grace at Casa Dracula.
I’m a bit… sorry, a LOT slow. I wish I’d had Lightroom back in 2011. Soz… Â Samantha Grace at Casa Dracula.
ZoeFest 10 in Baja this past October was my first ZoeFest. ZoeFest is something I always have been meaning to attend. In the past I always contacted Zoe a little to late and missed the sign up boat. But in 2011, I finally jumped on the boat at the right time. After all, 90% of fine art nude modeling is timing.
It’s been hard for me to actually put in words what the experience of ZoeFest is like. It’s a pretty amazing experience. The most talented models and photographers in one place, making amazing friendship and creating even more amazing art. It’s purely the best modeling experience I may have had. I also, think the setting in Baja couldn’t have been better. ZoeFest and the laid back vibe of Baja just go hand and hand.
The best photo’s I have model in, in my career come from ZoeFest. I mean, these are memories I will cherish for life. I also, cannot believe the friendships I have made. Zoe really has a talent for bringing people together. People that mesh well. Maybe it’s because she is cat like in nature and reads people pretty well?
I’ve been able to recover some of my Baja images. Most of them are candid moments of fun. The photographers I have worked with have shown off the amazing art we created. But my job as the subject is to report the emotional and the experience. The photographer captures the emotion as a wizard in technology. A model, is the vessel of emotion. So, as a vessel, here are some of my fun moments when I wasn’t being a fancy pants art model. 🙂
I took a lot of shots of the sights. I tend to do that. Also, the picture of the trucks on the dirt road. That was the highway under-construction to get to Todos Santos. It was let’s say, not as safe as we are use to in the USA. Baja, is neat because it is kind of a like an island and I find it even to be different then the other parts of Mexico. This was the first highway in Mexican that was under-construction, I have driven on. Or road, because I was a passenger.
We did a lot of fun things, such as group dinners. Zoe brought in a fancy chef to cook us some of the best Mexican food I have had. That’s saying a lot since, I live in Los Angeles. The Mexican food is endless here. We celebrated Halloween and dressed up. I referred Halloween as, confusing the Australians since, they do not have Halloween there. I did the sea turtle rescue twice. Just because I loved the sea turtles so much and found them so cute.
On my last day in Baja Mark and I took a tour of the local cemeteries. Probably a highlight for me. Just because I enjoyed seeing the locals prepare the graves and make repairs for the dead. The fact we visited so close to the day of the dead made it interesting. I love the respect and love the Mexicans show for their ancestry. It’s nice that as a culture they take time to take care of family plots and think about those who have passed. I took many photo’s of the graves and some photo’s of the families cleaning up and repairing them.
This was a great experience for sure. I cannot wait for the next Zoefest!
A few photos taken around the Hotelito with Brooke Lynne and Rebecca. Thank you ladies!
Strange is the title to this post, as Merrique was the second shoot during my time there at the gathering.
A lot of our work was concentrated on a square opening at Jennie’s place at the Hotelito. This theme (which is the first stuff posted) will become a themed series like a bunch of other previous submission. Though there is a lot of material and hence it has become the finale of the individual postings. I am amazed by the dynamics and creativity that Merrique brought to this, so I am very ecstatic with the results. Here are a couple of samples…
As well, we accomplished some other perspectives, and again, simply amazed.
Merci beaucoup, Merrique!! 🙂
With Keira, Candace and Rebecca, shot with the hand made bendy lens.
Two months later, I’m looking at the last roll of film I shot in Todos Santos. Feeling a little sad. The last of its kind, sitting beside my computer patiently waiting to be developed. It’s labeled “ER – one stop overexposed”, so I know it’s the first roll I shot with Ella Rose at Casa Dracula – surprisingly the only roll I knew for sure I’d screwed up. Â Tomorrow I’ll have to figure out how to adjust my developing time for the bad exposure, but tonight I’ll just post a few from the past few rolls I’ve worked on (featuring Candace, Ella Rose and Merrique).
I love the direct gazes here 🙂
An evening of scanning with Ella and Keira… and my new turbocharged Mac Mini.
A couple of shots from Casa Dracula with Meghan