I love Billy’s breakdown of events so much and very happy Tara picked up on it and has started her’s also. I thought about what mine would sound like and started going through past emails, thought about the insanity of putting the event together and all the mishaps along the way in order to finally make it to Mexico and decided that maybe I should keep the blog completely and totally light hearted and fun. It’s better for me to sit and listen to all the good stuff people have to say… the back outs and people canceling at the last minute somehow seem lessened in their impact when I see how much fun people had. So, I’m going to leave them at the wayside, remember not to invite those people again, and focus on how totally awesome the entire week was.
I could not have done it without the help of a few V(ery)I(mportant)P(eople). These VIPs have been involved with me for years and know how to sort it, I don’t have to tell them much of anything, I just say go for it and it rolls through and it gives me a time to relax after all the organizing and last minute chaos that happens. The festival would not be the same without their help. So a massive thank you to Michael Marlborough for dealing with the slide shows, organizing over $4,000.00 worth of sponsorship and for being an awesome big bro! Ron Skei for organizing all the rides for models to and from the airport, making sure they get home from parties OK, and generally being a massive help. And Stephanie Anne for being my voice. I’m shy in front of a crowd (even in friendly company) when it comes to speaking and having Stephanie there to take the reigns when we have announcements eases me. Put me on Rollerskates and ask me to do cartwheels in front of 100,000 people … no problem… put me in front of a crowd and ask me to speak? No habla Ingles! So, thanks Steph!
I’m so happy everyone had such a great time! Once I arrived, it was perfect! I had one great time myself. I miss the pool at the Hotelito so badly! I have a massive pile of snap shots from our parties taking by Michael Marlborough I plan on blogging soon, so stay tuned. Our group shot is SCHWEET! We even have a group video. Among other things! haha
I just finished developing, scanning and editing all the images Ella Rose and I made while we were there. I lucked out and got to work with her twice, very happy about that. She’s really a lovely person and has this very English way about her. Very posh and lady like. I approve. And over 75 images later… I’m definitely happy with the work we created. Hopefully our paths will cross again soon.