artnude Hotelito

At Long Last…

Brooke and I have been in some sort of contact on and off for a long period of time. We both have been wanting to work together, but as usual, distance and geography were the achilles heal.

Thanks to the power of “Z”, and her efforts to create this gathering, we were finally able to collaborate. Brooke was my first shoot during this gathering and I am thankful for her professionalism and awesomeness which helped in making some creative imagery.

Thank you Zoe and Brooke. πŸ™‚

Using the static exterior wall of my patio at the Hotelito as a backdrop, as well a marble table from my room used as a pedestal, we made an extensive amount of imagery which presented the fantastic, sculpture-like posing which Brooke is so known for. I was amazed at what she could do. Yay to the creative being!! πŸ™‚

Here are some examples…

fine art nude

A Lesson Learned… and Tea!!

Finally… going to the beach!!

As stated in previous posts, I had limited my shoots to the Hotelito corridors, for the most part. Finally the thought to take to nature and take advantage of the spectacular surroundings of the beach was eminent. Meghan and I were to collaborate there.

As for the title, ‘A Lesson Learned’, is a two part ordeal. First lesson, and it is one I am familiar with, is crowd control. The concept to capture there was to shoot waves coming in in various states of Β shutter speed. We were able to do so, but only one roll, as I hoped to take advantage of more. We were there before sunrise and all was good, but there were early morning beach walkers about which hindered the process. Enough so as to change the scene and game plan .

The second lesson with that roll happened once I got home and started developing film. The developing tank I had used, has a tendency to hang spools up on the shaft out of the fluid height. That said, the one roll taken on the beach had full development on 2/3rds of every image and partial on the remainder. With those, I played farmer and cropped πŸ™ (thanks JR for the great quote). They do still display evidence of negative damage. Here are examples…

From that point on we went to a different location made took advantage of the natural shrubbery. I am so used to rainforest that this different look was a blessing. πŸ™‚

Back to the Hotelito for one last hurrah, and have a tea party. Set the table and chairs but something was missing… a secondary participant. Just so happened that Brooke was walking to Mick’s suite to do a session with him, but was a bit early. She had time to help out and all of us made tea party magic. πŸ™‚ Again, this will become a series look so a couple of examples in the individual form. That said… Enjoy the tea!! πŸ™‚


casa dracula fine art nude

The Casa Dracula

Once again I decided to get out of the confines of the Hotelito and experience the rustic glory that is the Casa Dracula. Such a great space full of character and spirit. I could have spent much more time there.

Claudine and I took advantage to work there. Prior to shooting Claudine showed me some things she brought and one of them was a roll of cheesecloth. Immediately I had a vision to capture with it, so was very excited to execute this.

Along with the majority of the shoot at ZfestX, the visions will eventually end up in series but for now I am displaying individual posts.

The first series explores void and a time past. When life seems empty, we move on.

The second series I set the camera up to view straight through a bunch of rooms. The camera stayed on one spot throughout and shot in the various locations.

The third series was utilizing the cheesecloth. Its properties and uses were endless. ‘Cocoon’ was a vision I had when seeing the material and I was extremely happy with what was created. Claudine, as most know, is awesome and she worked wonders with all the themes.

artnude fine art nude Hotelito

A Collaboration

Rebecca and I had worked together back at the ’08 gathering in 29 Palms and we made some very awesome and unique images. Both of us being from far away places, it was great to have the opportunity once again to work together again.

What I didn’t realize since our first encounter was the rise in her own photography and vision, and was amazed with her approach and execution of her art. Her 2010 slide show was the previous year’s winner which I was able to see on this site which Zoe posted. πŸ™‚ Seeing her 2011 show was fantastic and I only see bigger and brighter things in her future.

As for the title of this post, ‘A Collaboration’, this is inspired by what we accomplished. Staying at the Hotelito, I saw a setting which I wanted to capture with the privacy walls around my room which we took advantage of. Rebecca had wanted to take advantage of posing in the pool with some motion captures and brought this to my attention which I was more than happy to take advantage of.

That said, what she envisioned and how I visualized it could be two entirely different perspectives. As well, motion imaging can be hit and miss and at the time I wasn’t certain I would captured the composition with the motions. Her motions/poses I was not worried of, it was my timing.Β Alas, I was pleasantly surprised and moreso very happy with the captures.

Yay collaborations!! πŸ™‚

I’m done rambling’… here are a few from that session…

artnude fine art nude Hotelito

International Pt1, Tara Tree

One of the real cool things about these gatherings is the distance we all have travelled to get to one point on the earth. With the exception of Gerry Oar everyone else is considered far, far away from where I am. Even my countrymen Robert and Carlos are three time zones from me. The trouble with living in a large country.

This section is dedicated to the most distant traveling models whom I worked with in Mexico: Tara, Anne and Emma. Ella Rose had visited me in BC a month prior to the gathering but am mentioning her as part of the long distance group of models. πŸ™‚ I have been blessed with their presence and was wonderful working with them.

I had met Tara the first time at Joshua Tree CA back in 2006 during the CZfest. Coming from Northern Ireland she was as well the furthest to travel (as far as I can recall). Her stay was short and no time was available to work together. πŸ™ Being from different locations, the chance to work together in the future seemed unlikely. How times have changed.